Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Scary Monsters 8 In the Philippines

8. Aswang 
aswang is probably the most common monster Philippines. In general, they form a human during the day and then at night turn into dogs, pigs, bats, cats, snakes ... animal species depending on regional knowledge. They went to the funeral home and stole the bodies recently. They also like to go home to drink human blood and can make people become aswang and makes people come back to bite them. aswang hungry love with a human fetus. even many who are always keeping or patrolling in front of the house to protect pregnant women from wild animals that roam (aswang in disguise)
Kapre is a hairy giant with bright eyes and burn like a cigar. They can usually be found sitting in the tree waiting for nightfall, to frighten naughty children who are outside her house late at night. Kapre is unique Filipino monster because he did not steal the fetus, eating people or cut them. Kapre just like to scare children ... and laugh at them because of fear. Some stories claim they really are very friendly creatures that can give you hope if you find a magic stone around it. if kapre is nearby so the trees swaying when there is no wind or you see smoke faintly from the tree, perhaps from .. cigar Kapre
Duwende is like a tiny human beings who live underground. There are two types of Duwende: white 1.duwende suspected types of creatures that bring about good fortune, or black 2.Duwende which means that duwende want to play in humans. They generally only interact with humans when their home disturbed. For example, a good farmer who treated his land may be valued by white duwende with abundance larger than normal plants. However, a person who kicked an ant nest near one's home, perhaps duwende Black will punish with various diseases of the testes to swell cleft lip. The best way to avoid Duwende is to say "tabi-tabi po" hard before entering their room.
tiyanak is similar to the sirens of Greek mythology who lure their prey with his voice. Someone heard the baby crying from deep in the woods and then followed the sound to save the baby. Some stories tell of people who wander aimlessly in search to find the baby and eventually lost. Another story claims that the person who found the baby in the middle of the woods, when appointed, the baby and then Turn into a large and sharp-toothed monster. Then tiyanak eat people and turn back the baby to wait for his next victim.
According to the regional and fairy tales. Sigbin was not formed from a horned goat, crow, reptiles, or something vaguely similar to the Chupacabra. Where is common with all the figures that his head hanging between his front leg is shorter than the hind legs. Where in because of physiology or because of to make sigbin look scary, he is also famous by walking backward like a crab. Sigbin also has a long tail like a whip that emits foul odors and two legs like a grasshopper in his neck that made him jump with a distance. They come out at night to look for the kids to keep their hearts eaten, but children are to be used as a talisman. Most stories and sightings came from Cebu area. However, though distant, in 2005 a scientist from Borneo (Kalimantan) found an 'carnivore similar to a cat and a fox "with the hind legs longer than front legs that show a peculiar gait and physical appearance that matches the description of some sigbin (example: the long tail, short front legs, can jump great distances, carnivores). There has been no real evidence that states the relationship between the animal.
tikbalang was described as having a horse's head, the body of a man and a horse nail that grows in the leg man should be. In northern areas, tikbalang disorders but are generally not considered dangerous. They were happy to make tourists confused and make the tourists are imagining things that are not real. Tourists can easily stop prank by reversing their shirts inside out and ask tikbalang to stop bothering them. The story tikbalang Southerners who describes the creature as a giant evil. She has bright red eyes, a big cigar and the smell of burnt hair smell. When the angry (and he was easily upset), tikbalang will menginjakmu to death. To tame the beast, one must pull one of three very long hair found its mane. After that, tikbalang will be your slave. Folklore states that when the sun shines through the clouds when it's raining, Tikbalang couple getting married.
At midnight, you hear a knock on the door and outside the three hooded figures, one a beautiful young woman and two men who are older. No story about how the group is formed or where they originated, but stories about them have appeared suddenly in the entire Philippines. Legend has it that a visit from them is a sign that someone in the family will soon die. No images or amulets that were hung to keep them away. Leaving the door missed did not help. They keep knocking and keep going and then someone will die soon thereafter.
The Manananggal sometimes regarded as a special descendant of aswang. They are sometimes referred to as "Tick-tick" because the sound it makes when flying. To confuse his victims, tick-tick sound became fainter as he approached. These creatures are generally shaped kelalawar beautiful women with hairy wings and rough. The bottom of his body remains in the ground while the top is released while he flew in search of food. It has a taste manananggal drinking human blood and in desperate need of human fetal liver and taken with his long tongue, like a trunk. Like the vampire of Western culture, the manananggals hate garlic and salt, garlic by hanging or placing a bowl of salt near the window is the best way to keep them away. To kill manananggal, one must find the lower body or ashes and sprinkled salt on open wounds. Which prevents the two parts are connected and turned back to human form during the lunch break today.
source: ~ r / Strov / ~ 3/CeNXLqCVx1U/8-monster-menakutkan-di-filipina.html
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