Monday, June 27, 2011

Strange, Banana No trunked Jump Emerging from the Land

Unusual phenomenon, attracting the attention of Hamlet V LongField Village, District Tripe toman, Banyuasin (Muba), SouthSumatra Province (Sumatra). Directly behind the house owned byAnto (70), there are several bunches of bananas as the fruit comes directly from the soil.
The shape is not much different from the bananas in general, but this does not have a banana or a tree trunk. Whereas in the vicinity there are several other banana trees that normally grow and bear fruit as usual.
Bananas are not trunked Jump Emerging from the Land
BANANA STRANGE - A resident saw bunches of bananas following the strange life without bars in the village of Long Farm, District Tripe toman, Muba, Sunday (26/06/2011).
The village where this weird banana growing is located about 7 kilometers from the village or the highway Sekayu Kasmaran-Lubuklinggau. When visiting the location of Sriwijaya Post, Sunday (06/26/2011), Sumarni (30), child of the owner of a bananaknown Mbah Anto, say, bananas are grown and bear fruit about six months ago.
The form is unique and is considered odd so much attention people come to see and capture the image.
"We do not know why it can grow so. For the size of bananas in general, should have a banana is ripe. Moreover, even though growing only 30 cm from the ground, no chicken would eat it, "said Sumarni.
According Sumarni, was formerly planted banana father. Initially, the seed planted is bananas. But lately sprung up bunches of bananas and fruit lacks the heart and not in a condition similar to dwarf bananas, but bananas cotton.
The same thing is said, Safarudin (42) local residents who live not far from the house owner Anto Mbah a banana. Because they think it strange Piang, he even had time to sleep near the growing of bananas for several nights.
He hopes to obtain such advice or mysticism with its efforts.Unfortunately, despite repeated he did not get anything but a memento of the night mosquito swarms.
Apart from the unusual phenomena that occur on bananas, its existence remains a thing of interest to local people.
Bananas are never cooked though it was six months old is left alone to grow without having the fence for fear of being eaten by chickens or other animals. Sejuah because there has been no animal or animals are attracted to eat a bananathis.
According to the owner of children, the bananas will be allowed to disappear or die alone.

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