Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

World's Highest Tennis Court

What if playing tennis at the courts near the sky? If you wish, you can try it on the top floor of the hotel Burj Al Arad in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with an estimated height of 198.12 meters. Broad field alone reached 415 square meters, which is used first for the Dubai Open in 2005. Here are the pictures:


American History Nicknamed "Uncle Sam"

Why is America as a country dubbed "Uncle Sam" (Uncle Sam)?. Here's the story, once a man named Samuel Wilson. He was born in Arlington, September 13, 1766.

At age 14, he became a volunteer fighter for his country. As an adult, he opened a meat packing business in New York. He supplies the bertong cans of meat for U.S. troops in the War of 1812.

In 1812 the number of items purchased for the army at Troy, NY, by Elbert Anderson, a government contractor. Items examined by two brothers, Ebenezer and Samuel Wilson. Samuel Wilson is often called "Uncle Sam" by his friends.

Each package is marked initials E.A.-U.S. At the time of questioning the meaning of these initials, workers who jokingly replied that the EA was Elbert Anderson and Uncle Sam U.S. is that should the United States.

So the title became popular among the workers, soldiers and people, and the Government of the United States is now known as "Uncle Sam"

The story above is finally written in a newspaper. In the 1860s and 1870s, political cartoonist Thomas Nast began to popularize the image of Uncle Sam. Nast developed the image by giving Uncle Sam a white beard and clothes that motivated stars and lines. Nast also was the one who created the image of Santa Claus and the elephant as a symbol of the Republican Party. In September 1961 the U.S. Congress recognizes Samuel Wilson as the forerunner of America's national symbol.

Uncle Sam Wilson considered a role model of an entrepreneur who likes to work hard and love for his homeland. Wilson died at the age of 88 in 1854 and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, New York. The city was the title of 'The House of Uncle Sam. "Finally, Uncle Sam's name was officially adopted the nickname for the American nation. The Americans are now proud of the nickname and imagery owned Uncle Sam.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mosque Bombed in Japan Intact Despite American and rocked by an earthquake

Kobe Mosque was the first mosque in Japan. This mosque was built in 1928 in Nakayamate Dori, Chuo-ku. Kobe means gate of God or God's gate.

In 1945, Japan engaged the Second World War. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in American ports have made the U.S. government decided to drop the first atomic bomb in a war.
And Japan was defeated. Two of his city, Nagasaki and Hiroshima Atomic bombed by the Americans. At that time, the city of Kobe did not miss the consequences. Kobe arguably be razed to the ground. 
When the buildings around it almost razed to the ground, Kobe Muslim Mosque still standing 
upright. The mosque is only developing cracks on exterior walls and glass windows were all broken. The exterior of the mosque became quite black with smoke bomb attack. Japanese soldiers who took refuge in the basement of the mosque survived the bomb threat, as well as the weapons are hidden. This mosque became the victims of war refuge.
The government of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait contributed funds for the renovation in large numbers. Glass-shattered window glass was replaced with new windows imported directly from Germany. A new decorative lights hanging in the middle of the main prayer space. Room temperature control system is then installed in this mosque.
Schools destroyed by the war again renovated and some additional buildings began to be built. Muslims back to enjoy their religious activities in Kobe Muslim Mosque.
Financial crises often approached the mosque committee cash. High property taxes make the mosque committee had to spend quite a lot of its cash costs. Luckily, many donors are ready to give you a helping hand to solve the financial problems of development and renovation of this mosque. Donations could even make Kobe Muslim Mosque can be developed further.
Kobe Mosque robustness was tested again with the most devastating earthquake in 1995. Precisely at 5:46 o'clock Tuesday, January 17, 1995. This earthquake hit Kobe in fact not only alone, but also the surrounding areas such as South Hyogo, Hyogo-ken Nanbu and others.
Experts say that the earthquake was caused by three plates are colliding, namely the Philippine plate, Pacific Plate and the Eurasian plate.
Although only lasting 20 seconds, but this quake claimed the lives of as many as 6433 people, most of which is a resident of the city of Kobe. Besides Kobe earthquake also resulted in major damage to the city area of ​​20 km from the epicenter.
Major earthquake Hanshin-Awaji earthquake was Japan's worst since the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 which claimed 140,000 lives.
But until now the mosque Kobe still standing strong and erect, as if he was not deterred hordes disasters. May the propagation of Islam in Japan so tough this mosque.


Causes of Infant Crying When Born

Based on a hadith the Prophet delivered by Ibn Abbas, he said, "No child is born, unless he is crying ...." (Narrated by Ad-Darami).

Surely babies here is babies born with a spirit that is still stuck in the baby's body. Only Mary and her son, Prophet Isa, who was born with is generally not accompanied by crying like a baby being born. Is not God is great above all things.

So what causes babies to cry when they are born? Know that the devil has followed agan agan agan since the first man looked at the world? So what do the demons that followed infants from birth with their cries at birth? Certainly nothing to do, calibaration want investigated, it turns out the babies were crying because they were stabbed by devils laknatullah, precisely their abdominal and this can not be seen by the human naked eye, but can be felt by the baby so that they feel pain and eventually they weep ..

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, he said, "I heard the Prophet saying, 'no child of Adam is born except on hold by the devil when he was born, so he yelled crying because the handle Satan, except Mary and her child."

That's why every baby born Muslim who was ordered to be played Athan sound in his right ear and in iqamahi in his left ear, was none other that the demons that accompany the baby is scuttled, it caused their fear of God lafadz, so that they no longer interfere with the tiny baby. Another benefit of prayer is for the first time to hear the baby when in this world is lafadz-lafadz Divine, so that in future they expect to be a pious man and always remember God.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photo of Underwater Volcano Eruption

Volcanic eruptions under the sea the main attraction. Uniqueness which is under the sea makes this a special eruption. The specialty of this occurred due to volcanic eruptions perbebedaan bisasanya that taste in the mainland.


Photo - This photo was taken by scientists from close range and very dangerous because it goes in the distance that should be avoided. This explosion looks very beautiful because it comes from the mountain in the sea near the coast of Tonga.


Fasting According to Medical Experts

Fasting has many lessons and benefits for the body, calm the soul, and beauty. When fasting, the organs of the body can rest and billions of cells in the body can raise themselves to survive. Fasting serves as a detoxification to remove dirt, toxins / poisons from the body, rejuvenate the body cells and replace the body's cells that have been damaged by the new and to improve the function of hormones, making the skin healthier and increase endurance because humans have the ability natural therapies.
Fasting can make the skin a fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant. Because, every time the body has energy metabolism, namely the change events of the energy contained in the nutrients into potential energy in the body. The rest will be stored in the body, kidney cells, skin cells, and eyelids as well as fat and glycogen.
Humans have a reserve of energy called glycogen. Energy reserves may last for 25 hours. This nutrient reserves which at times will be burned into energy, if the body does not receive food supplies from outside. When fasting, the energy reserves stored in body organs removed so that the relief of respiratory organs and cells of storage. This event is called cell rejuvenation. By rejuvenating the body's cells, it is useful to boost immunity and health of our body and skin. Therefore, people who often fasted skin will look fresher, healthier, soft, and radiant as the cell rejuvenation process in the body running well.
Some scientists have done some research on fasting them briefly below:
1. Allan Cott, M.D.,An expert from the United States, has brought together the results of observation and research scientists various countries, and then compiled into a book Why Fast expose the various lessons of fasting, among others: a. To feel better physically and Mentally (feel better physically and mentally). b. To look and feel younger (look and feel younger). c. To clean out the body (clean body) d. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels (lowers blood pressure and fat levels. E. To get more out of sex (better able to control the sex). F. To let the body health Itself (makes a healthy body by itself). G. To relieve tension (loosen mental stress). h. To the senses sharp (sharpen sensory function). i. To gain control of oneself (to acquire the ability to control himself). j. To slow the aging process (slowing the aging process).
2. Dr. Yuri NikolayevDirector of the diet on a Psychiatric Hospital of Moscow to assess the ability of fasting that resulted in the person concerned to be ageless, as a discovery (science), the largest this century. He said: what do you think is the most Important discovery in our time? The radioactive watches? Exocet bombs? In my opinion the bigest discovery of our time is the ability to make-onself younger phisically, Mentally and spiritually through fasting rational. (In your opinion, is the most important discoveries in this century? Hours radioactive? Bomb exoset? In my opinion, the greatest discovery in this century is the ability of someone to make him stay young physically, mentally, and spiritually, through the rational fasting).
3. Alvenia M. FultonDirector of the Institute of Healthy Food "Fultonia" in the United States stated that fasting is the best way to beautify and enhance a woman naturally. Fasting produces charm of tenderness and charm. Fasting normalizes functions of womanhood and reshape the beauty of the body (fasting is the best ladies Beautifier, it charm and grace Brings poice, it normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour).
4. Riyad Ahmed Albiby and ElkadiSaying Fasting may boost immunity or the immune system against various diseases. Indicated by increased function of lymph cells that produce T lymphocytes which is significantly increased after fasting.
5. SulimamiTo say that for diseases like diabetes though fasting ramadan will not be harmful, in fact provides many benefits (Sulimami, etc., 1988: 549-552)
6. Jalal SaourArgued that the reduced liquid in fasting will decrease the heart rate or cardiac work, prevention of blood clots that cause serious, including heart panyakit. (Jalal, Riyad, 1990)
7. Muzam MG, and Hussain Ali M.NBelieves that fasting is also safer for patients who have disorders of the stomach ulcer. Research conducted by Muzam MG, MN Ali and Hussain in the observation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on gastric acid.
8. M. Elson Haas M.D.Director of the Medical Center of Marin (since 1984) said in fasting (cleansing and detoxification) is part of a trilogy of nutrients, balancing, building (toning). Elson believes that fasting is the missing piece "missing link" in the diet in the western world. Most people in the west over eating or eating too much, eating excessive protein, excessive fat anyway. So he suggested that others began to arrange the food to be more balanced and start fasting, because fasting is useful as: purification, rejuvenation, rest the digestive organs, anti-aging, reduce allergies, weight loss, detoxification, mental and emotional relaxasi, changes in habits of poor eating habits became more balanced and more controlled, increase body immunity. and better yet if in a doctor's supervision. Fasting can cure diseases such as Influeza, bronchitis, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, epilepsy, back pain, mental pain, angina pectoris (chest pain due to heart), heat and insomnia.
9. Dr. Sabah al-Baqir and his friendsTo say that fasting can reduce the amount of stress triggers hormones. He was with the team from the University of King Saud.yang Falkutas medicine conducted a study of the hormone prolactin, insulin and cortisol, the seven men who fasted in the sample. The result is that no significant changes in cortisol levels. Prolactin, and insulin. This suggests that the fasting month of Ramadan is not an onerous, and does not result in mental and nervous pressure. This experiment shows the increase occurred at different time, when the day is not fasting prolactin rose highest at 16:00 hours. while in the month of Ramadan has a peak at 21.00 and dropped again to its lowest limit at 04.00. While insulin increased at 16.00, was in ramadan at 21.00, dropped to the lowest limit of 16.00. Cortisol is being on a weekday peak at 09.00, down at 21.00, while the month of Ramadan there is no significant change.
10. Dr. Ahmad al-Qadi Dr.. Riyadh al-BibabiTogether with colleagues in the United States do laboratory tests on a number of volunteers who fasted during Ramadan. The results of these studies show positive effects of fasting significantly to the immune system. Indicators of functional cell-cell sap (lymfocytes) improved up to tenfold, although the total number of lymph cells did not change, but the percentage of types of lymph nodes that is responsible for protecting the body against various diseases and the T cells increased rapidly.
11. Dr. Riyadh Sulaiman and friendsIn 1990 from King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh Saudi conducting research on the effect of Ramadan fasting on the second type 47 diabetes (non insulin-dependent patients). And a number of healthy people. The results showed that the fasting month of Ramadan does not cause significant weight loss. There is no any significant effect on diabetes control diabetes among these patients. So far the Ramadan fasting safe for diabetics so far done with awareness and control of food and medicine.
12. Dr. Muhammad MunibAnd friends of Turkey is also doing a study of one hundred Muslim respondents, their blood samples were taken before and at the end of the month Ramadan, to do the analysis and measurement of protein content, total fat (total lipids), fat, phosphate, free fatty acids, cholesterol, albumin, globulin, blood sugar, tryglycerol, and elements of other blood-forming, and obtained, among other things that happened a general decline in the sugar (glucose) and tryacyglicerol the fasting person, the occurrence of partial reduction and light in weight, no visible acetone in the urine, either in the beginning and end of fasting, before fasting for Ramadan, this fact confirms the absence of formation of ketone substances that are harmful to the body during the fasting month of Islam, By the virtue of fasting, glycogen in the body undergoes rejuvenation, pumping movement of stored fat , resulting in more energy increased.
Since ancient times used fasting as the best treatment as Plato said that fasting is to treat the physical and mental illness. Philippus Paracelsus said that "Fasting is the greatest remedy the physician within!"


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mystery creature seabed

The stories about the giant sea told by sailors never considered seriously. Two-thirds of the world covered with water. This is a large area to live in and also could not reach a human. Not sure if later the sea will show itself as an aquarium to scientists. If this happens we will be able to see the sea caves inhabited by something like what we read in books just fantastic. But for the time being, we can only make estimates about the marine life is actually based on little evidence disclosed by the sea from time to time to us.
April a few years ago, squid washed up along 15 meters in Canada; a trailer used to move the giant molluscs. Squid is sent to a research center where experts measure the tentacles and concluded that this is a new kind of mollusk unknown to science. Scientists spend millions of dollars to catch or at least to photograph a giant mollusk that lives in deep water. However, there is no any result of this costly expedition. None of the researchers saw the giant cephalopods alive, only dead individuals washed ashore.
Sailors several times stated that they saw a giant squid alive. Fairy tales, these stories are like a drunken sailor. People know that the sailors told incredible stories not about a giant mollusk.
In 1955, a Canadian newspaper published a story of a mysterious obtained from seafarers. A ship that sailed into something strange. From far away, it looks like a decayed whale or a giant jellyfish floating on the water surface. When the ship approached the object, sailor John Squires leaned on the board to attach it.
But after touching objects such as iron hook jellyfish, a huge tentacles out of it. Sailors were frightened and fell on the deck. John was shocked and her face pale. Two members of the crew had to help him into the cabin where he waited until arriving at the port. This story appeared not far from the location where large mollusks were stranded last spring. Sailors were very upset to John Squires never go to sea again since that day.
What is known about the monster cephalopods? Almost no and if anyone knows, just knows very little. Large cephalopod living in the depths around 2,000 meters. They spend their entire lives swimming and keep moving. We can estimate the size of large cephalopods through the eyes of the size of a large squid that is stored in an American museum now. The eyes of these squid is nearly 40 centimeters diameter of a basketball. Eyes were taken from the stomachs of sharks sharks are killed by hunters. Squid is a favorite food of large sharks. Normally they eat the smaller squid and swallow 4-6 kg in the group, when a large shark show their strength. Most of the cases, the scientists said, the shark is the winner and eat their enemies.
There is one more mystery, more recently, Japanese researchers have conducted an interesting experiment in the Suruga Bay, not far from the Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the oceans of the world. The researchers put a container with some smelly bait on the bay bottom. A special video camera affixed to the container walls, and researchers into monitors to see what will happen with the container and the bait.
The smell of the bait attracted a shark that lives in deep water. Then the researchers saw something incredible that left them speechless. Suddenly the sharks scattered in all directions and the researchers saw an incredibly huge monster on their monitors. The giant slowly soared before the video camera at a depth of 1.5 kilometers. The length of the sea Goliath was over 60 meters. It is not clear what the giant was.
Researchers failed to answer the question, can only guess what the creature. They say it may be a sleeping shark, the largest shark. Until now people know just few facts about these sharks. They had been hiding in the depths of the sea over millions of years. People have never seen live sleeping sharks and giant squid. Only once, in 1964, a dead sleeping shark was stranded in Indonesia. It was just a young shark judging by its size of 26 meters.
Now let's go to Scotland, Loch Lake, home of one more mysterious monster that people call Nessy. There are a number of reports saying that many people see the mysterious monster. Every year the media reported the evidence of witnesses who met with local people. Scottish companies the opportunity to make much money from the strange gift of this nature. Small shop near the lake are piled with souvenirs, guidebooks and other handmade items with a picture of Nessy. Local people set rates are very reasonable to take you along the route where others said never seen a monster.
There are still skeptics who argue that the lake monster is just imagination. They were asked to tell the specimens from the lake monster and at least they want to touch his body, only then they want to believe this phenomenon really exists.
Let's leave this skepticism. In 1966, a Royal Air Force pilot gave a statement that the sea monster was there. They recorded an incident where one of the creature across the lake Loch. When the researchers examined the records, they concluded that this is a living creature. When the monster cross the lake; movements form the letter "V" on the surface of the lake. though people are skeptical and say this is just chunks of wood, which is certainly not. Blocks of wood does not float at this speed.
Alleged that the monster of Lake Loch is presiosaurus life. Not ascertained whether the group presiosaurus live in the lake and disrupt the tourists from time to time (or maybe the tourists disturb these creatures?) Perhaps these prehistoric creatures survive in millions of years? This is possible because the turtles, crocodiles and sharks live in the same era with presiosaurus and still survive to this day.


Photo deepest lake in Indonesia

Lake Matana (590 m) of Lake Matana is a lake located in Soroako, Kab. North Luwu, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This lake has a depth of 590 meters.
Is the deepest lake in Indonesia and the eighth deepest lake in the world. The lake is located at the coordinate in the 2 ° 29'7 "S 121 ° 20'0" E.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 Biggest Secrets peek Stewardess

You've read the story of Steven Slater, JetBlue Airlines flight attendant who risked out of the plane as passenger upset with the tantrum? Fed up with the act of an unruly female passenger, Slater grabbed the intercom to say goodbye, get a beer in the kitchen, then opened the door of the plane, hold a parachute to evacuate, then slid out. At that time, a new JetBlue Flight 1052 landed at JFK airport, New York City, of Pittsburgh, and was walking slowly toward the gate at the airport. The incident makes Slater detained by police.Slater did not act very responsibly, but the reasons behind the action nekadnya understandable. Caused passengers own way has become a daily meal in the cabin crew of any airline. So, to make the flight to be safe and comfortable (and timely), you'll want to see what is faced steward-stewardess on the plane.
1. Ensuring passenger safetyWhat does a flight attendant? They are tasked to serve your needs and your comfort while in the plane, but the important thing is to ensure your safety. "People often think the rules in the plane's annoying, but there is actually a reason behind every rule, namely to maintain your safety," said Sara Keagle, a former flight attendant who is also the owner of the blog TheFlyingPinto.com.
2. Cooperation will greatly assistThe most difficult part of a flight is boarding, luggage storage because the process can be very troublesome. "If passengers want to cooperate, and not think only about themselves, it would make our job much easier, and helps the flight on time," said Teresa, a former flight attendant who worked for Delta Air Lines. You can help the other passengers did not linger like standing in the hallway when it will save the items in the overhead bin. Help is also passengers who have difficulty storing goods.
3. Not a restaurant in the air 
Always remember that the flight is not a place of fine dining. According to Ellen, a former flight attendant of United Airlines, airlines are not always 100 percent prepared food choices in a menu. So, you have to accept if what you requested is not available. "You are on the top 747, not at 7-Eleven," said Gary, a former steward of the same airlines.
4. Do not forget "please" and "thank you"Flight attendant's task to serve you, but it does not mean they can be ordered pushed around by passengers. "It means a lot to me when people reply to the greeting 'Good morning' when I scold them," said Lisa Lent, a flight attendant. According to Teresa, the passengers would often bring a small gift such as candy for the cabin crew. Or, offering a finished magazine to read. Little things that make flight attendants feel appreciated.
5. Drunk on the altitude of 35,000 feet"Because of the high altitude, the influence of alcohol is very pronounced when you're flying," said Fanny Delaunay, a former Air France flight attendant. If you start to look drunk or unruly, flight attendants are responsible to control the situation. If flight attendants had already seen that you are drinking too much, they will still provide drinks, but not completely contain alcohol. "We may be just the edge of a glass dipped in vodka or gin, then fill the rest with another mix," said Ellen.
6. The eyes and ears of the pilotDo not forget, a flight attendant on duty to ensure your safety, not to serve all your needs. They have undergone training, including training for emergency medical conditions, CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and how to evacuate from the plane."Because most airlines did not encounter any security problems, thankfully, some people believe that we were the only artisan luggage and renderer drinks, and do not realize that the flight attendants were trained to ensure passenger safety and comfort," said Agnes Huff, PhD, a former flight attendant for U.S. Airways and Pacific Southwest Airlines.According to Sara Keagle, because pilots can not see into the passenger area, they rely on the eyes and ears of the flight attendants. Pramugarilah should be alert to what is happening inside the plane, and inform the pilot when there is an emergency situation.
7. Intimate as takeoff and landingAlthough only met on the plane for several minutes, surprising things can happen between flight attendants and passengers. Suddenly the flight attendant can be a friend of passengers, as if it had known for years. "I think that belief comes after knowing that we were together shoulder to shoulder in an emergency," said Gary. According to him, the most intimate conversations occur during takeoff, taxiing (when the new plane landed and walked slowly toward the gate at the airport) and landing. When that happens the bond between the passengers and cabin crew.
8. Sign toilets there should be timeYou know, when it was announced to tighten the belt, there are still passengers who actually go to the toilet. In fact, this could make the flight delayed. If someone is using the toilet, the stewardess had to tell the pilot, and pilots must stop a plane (if it is prepared to takeoff) to return to his seat and passenger seat belt.Not only that, the sliding carriage weighing 150 kilograms of food back to the kitchen just because there is a passenger who wanted to use the toilet, is the most disturbing thing for them. 

9. Three times more tiredSitting on the plane for hours is not only tedious for passengers, but also for flight attendants. Flight attendants usually must be ready in one hour before the plane prepares for aviation passengers, even a few hours earlier they had to be there at the airport. So if you feel tired, fatigue multiply it three times to understand just how exhausting the duty of a flight attendant.
10. Meet passenger is the most fun"One of my favorite parts of this work is to obtain a meaningful conversation with people who are fun," said Fanny. Perhaps prompted by the fear of flying, or because the magic in the air, so people tend to be open and happy to talk about himself. Stewardess lot to learn new things from here.


Igloo Uniquely Located Village in Saariselka, Finland

If you're a true traveler who is always craving, desire to be able to explore a variety of unique places in the hemisphere, now the hotel this one is very unique with the typical home or building an igloo north pole is designed to be attractive.

Igloo village is part of Hotel Kakslauttanen located in Saariselka, Finland. Area where this hotel is very beautiful and is part of Urho Kekkonen National Park. In the winter Igloo Village offers a variety of winter activities such as overnight in the snow or the so-called glass igloo, enjoy dinner in the snow and ice to see the beautiful gallery. Meanwhile the couple who got married here too much and they use a snow chapel facilities.

Igloo Village has about 20 glass igloo facilities and 60 beds in the snow igloo. Snow restaurantnya itself has a capacity of 50 to 150 people. Igloo Village was opened in December and January depending on weather conditions until about April.

Glass Igloo provides an amazing experience for tourists, they can enjoy the beauty of the north star in the sky remained clear, with the condition of the room is warm and cozy. Enjoying the snow and the sky amid the beautiful outdoors while still feeling warm is something that is put forward for this hotel.

Glass Igloo is the embodiment of modern technology that brings comfort. Glass Igloo is constructed of special glass that makes the temperature inside the thermal remained in normal condition. These materials also make glass igloos are not covered with snow that freezes and penghalangi view so tourists can see the natural beauty outside. Each igloo is equipped with luxurious beds and toilets. Even the hotel also provides a pleasant sauna facilities.

Are you interested in enjoying all this?


WHICH MAY BE MADE BY PERSON Fasting Can not mistaken, be poorer

A devout servant and understand the Qur'an and Sunnah do not doubt that God desires ease for His servants and do not want trouble. Allah and His Messenger, sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa' Ala alihi Wa Sallam has enabled a few things for people who are fasting and do not consider it a mistake to practice it. The following are among such actions and their arguments:
1. Entering a Time of Fasting is permissible in the circumstances junub DawnQuote:Narrated from Aisha and Umm Salamah-radhiallahu 'anhuma: "Verily, the Prophet sallallaahu' Alaihi Wa 'Ala alihi Wa Sallam entering the dawn of time in a state of junub because jima' with his wife, then his bath and fasting." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) 

2. A person who Fasting May Bersiwak (Rubbing teeth)Quote:Prophet-Peace and Blessings Wa 'Ala alihi Wa Sallam said: "Even if my people do not necessarily incriminate I told them to bersiwak whenever ablution". (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)Prophet-Peace and Blessings Wa 'Ala Wa Sallam alihi does not specify the fasting or the other, this postulated bersiwak Sunnah (brush) for people who are fasting and others every ablution and prayer.Similarly, it is generally across time, both before zawal (sliding sun) or thereafter. But people who are fasting should not use toothpaste because there is a strong flavor and aroma that is feared participate swallowed with saliva. And Allaah knows best.("Ma.ialis shahr Ramadan" p. 112. Karya Fadhilatusy Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen and the book "48 Su'aalan Fi Shiyam Ajaba Alaiha Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh Fadhilatusy Al-Uthaymeen," p. 63). 

3. Gargle and rinse-Istinsyaq (Including Water into Nose Then Again When Issued wudlu)Quote:Because the Prophet, sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa' Ala alihi beristinsyaq Wa Sallam and rinse in a state of fasting, but forbid people excessive fasting when istinsyaq (insert water into the nose), the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wa' Ala alihi Wa Sallam said: "... .. and behold the beristinsyaq mean unless you are in a state of fasting. " (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Imam Ahmad with sanad valid etc.). 

4. Chatting (Making out) and Kissing WifeQuote:Ayesha's mother-radhiallahu 'anha once said: "Verily, Allah sallallaahu' Alaihi Wa 'Ala Wa Sallam alihi kiss (his wife) in a state of fasting and bercengakrama (making out) in a state of fasting, but he was the person most able to resist." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).It is permissible for those who could refrain until out semen or lead to jima '. 

5. Removing Blood For Inspection and Injection is Not Aiming Substitute FoodsQuote:All this is not Invalidate fast because there is no theorem that said cancellation of the fast with these things. Further details are discussed in Invalidate fasting. ("Ma.ialis shahr Ramadan" p. 103. Karya Fadhilatusy Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen). 

6. Tasting FoodQuote:This is not to be limited as long as the throat and not swallowed, based on history from Ibn Abbas-radhiallahu 'Anhuma: "No why kholl taste (vinegar) or something else in the circumstances of fasting is not up to the throat." (HR.Bukhari a mu' allaq, dimaushulkan Syaibah and Ibn Abi al-Bayhaqi with a hasan chain of transmission). 

7. Wear Eye Shadow, Eye and Ear Drops Drugs and OtherQuote:All this does not invalidate the fast, it feels good up in the throat or not, because all this is not eating and drinking and not the same as eating and drinking. This opinion is corroborated by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his treatise useful rahimahullah "Haqiqatus Shiyam", and his disciple Ibn al-rahimahullah Qoyyim in his book 'Zaadul Ma'ad ", as well as other scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen-rahimahullah etc..Imam Bukhari-rahimahullah said in the book "Sahih Bukhari": "Anas bin Malik, Hasan Al-Basri and Ibrahim An-Nakhai 'see why not wear mascara (mascara) for the fasting person."("Ma.ialis shahr Ramadan" by Sheikh Uthaymeen, p. 110 and "Sifhat Shoum Prophet" p. 56). 

8. Wearing Hand Spray (Drugs sprayed through mouth) for Patients with Asthma (Breath)Quote:Fadhlilatusy Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen-rahimahullah argues that using drugs like this does not invalidate the fast because it was not until into the stomach and the goal is to open the airway so that a shortness of breath can breathe with relief and go back to normal. He argues that this is not eating and drinking and not the same as eating and drinking to get into the stomach.(Book "48 Ash-Fi Su'aalan Shiyam Ajaba Alaiha Fadhilatusy Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholeh al-Uthaymeen" p. 62-63, jama 'wa tartib: Salim bin Mohammed Al-Juhani). 

9. Would throw into the Cold Water and Shower Head UpQuote:Bukhari stated in his book "Sahih Bukhari": (Chapter bath fasting person), Ibn Umar-radhiallahu anhuma he soaks his shirt and then wear it when in a state of fasting (moistened with water to cool the body because of thirst when fasting).Ash-Sya'biy-rahimahullah into the bathroom in a state of fasting.Al-Hasan, may Allaah have mercy said: "No why rinse his mouth and use cold water (to cool the body) in a state of fasting."Prophet-Peace and Blessings Wa 'Ala Wa Sallam alihi throw water into his head in a state of fasting due to thirst or heat. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood and Imam Ahmad with a sahih chain of transmission. 

"Shifat Shoum Prophet" The work of Shaikh Salim al-Hilaly and Shaykh Ali Hasan, p. 56 and "Ma.ialis shahr Ramadan" by Sheikh Uthaymeen, p. 1112-113).[Abdullah Saleh Hadrami / ASH]may be useful

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