Monday, August 1, 2011

Reasons Why Girls Like Guys dressed in red more

Women find men very attractive when photographed wearing red or red-framed photo. Red clothes also look more sexually attractive.

"Red said to be a sexy color for men," said Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester and University of Munich. "Our findings stated that the relationship between red-and sex also occurs in men," as quoted by The Telegraph.Temuan is reported in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association.

A total of 25 men and 32 women saw a photo of a man wearing a black polo shirt and white and surrounded by a red background or putih.Menggunakan scale of 9, they answered three questions "how attractive this guy?", "How nice this person to be seen ? "and" if I meet someone in this photo, I would think that these people interesting. "She saw a man surrounded by a red color more interesting points. However, this does not happen in men.
Other experiments with the figure of a man dressed in red or green. 

A poll of 55 women thought that men who dressed in red is much more interesting than the average, almost 1 point higher on a scale of 9 titik.Meskipun red can mean a lot in different cultures, the findings could apply to women around the country .
Women in this study felt that men wearing red T-shirts tend to be significantly higher status than men who wore blue T-shirt.
In addition, people who wear red clothes seem more common and sexually attractive.

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