Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 The nature of believer The Success

Indication of the success of a believer or a Muslim on the Koran is kept out of hell and put into heaven, as stated in Surah Ali-Imran 185, "Every soul shall taste death. And only on the Day of Judgement shall you be paid your wages. Whoever kept out of hell and put in heaven, then indeed he has been lucky. Life of this world is nothing but a pleasure to deceive ".
The success of that nature has nothing to do with the degree of a person in the world Rizki, a successful person in her world might be poor but also conglomerate. The prophets that Allah sent the already guaranteed success by Allah, have levels of rizki different. 

Prophet Zachariah was a carpenter, the prophet Job was a sick man, the prophet Solomon was a king with a great throne, and the prophet Muhammad did not leave the slightest material to children.

There are 10 qualities that should be so that we become a believer that success in nature, is as follows:

One, Have Saliimun Aqidah (Aqidah survivors, healthy and not diseased)

A believer must have a clean from dust Tawheed shirk, as stated in Surat Al-An `am 82," Those who believe and confuse not mix their faith with wrong (polytheism), they are the ones who get their security and It is people who are rightly guided "

His life is purely under the auspices Lailahaillah, not position the property, position and other materials as gods. When a person is not positioned as the gods of money, then the process of finding and spending will be in accordance with the pleasure of Allah.Likewise when the position not as a god, then it will be spared from the nature of the pharaoh, an arrogant with power and considers himself a god. What we tuhankan is Allah. Above prinsipnyalah we live, dead, and returned back. If we already have this attitude then it will move the spirit to do a quality worship and we will enjoy delicious faith and worship.
Two, Shohehul of Worship (Worship the True)

A believer must perform worship shoheh or right, not mixed with heresy. Terms, harmonious and attitude of worship when done properly according to guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith. Suppose that in the daily prayers, not only limited to a mere formality without any physical connection with hati.Nabi once said, "There will come a time, they perform their prayers, but not essentially praying".
Addin embrace Islam as an integral system of worship that must be done by his followers, including the relationship of worship to Allah and to humans.
Three, Akhlaqul Karimah (Akhlaq Noble)

Noble morality of morality we should be like the great Prophet. Moral good is the overall attitude and action that matches the will of the creator. 
When a friend asked Aisha about the morality of the Prophet, Aisha said that the morality of the Prophet is the Qur'an.
Four, Physical Strength

The rights body should we pay attention, because with a strong healthy body and we will feel the pleasure of worship than the pain conditions.

Five, Broad Insight
Get used to read al-quran and hadith and assess its meaning in order to increase our insight and knowledge of Islam. The Companions are always asked the Prophet in order to obtain the guidance of Islamic sciences. 

Be thankful, if we have a good understanding of Islam, because it is a sign of Allah dear to us.
Six, ability to self-sufficient (productive)

Able to work to meet the needs of self and family.

Seven, to Improve Himself Seriously
And sincere worship of Allah and adhere rosulnya. Without the seriousness it is not possible to get perfection in berislam. 

Islam can only be borne by the person who has a serious nature.
Eight, Keeping Time
Time owned should be used as effectively as possible not just disappear. Time is part of life that can not be back. 

When a believer should be filled with many dhikrullah the integral, including the liver, oral, and deeds.
Nine, arranged His life

Neat and orderly in managing time and activities

Ten, Work for Others
Its presence wherever and whenever he is able to provide benefits to people and surroundings. For example sharing of knowledge, invite friends or neighbors to the mosque, and so forth.

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