Sunday, July 24, 2011

Breast cancer-prone teenage drinkers

Well this is a stern warning to fans of liquor ... terytama for adolescents. Since the latest research berdasrakan ... teens who like to drink alcohol very prone to cancer. More on this see the following article:

Teens Drinking Alcohol Breast Cancer Risk

Teenage girls who drink alcoholic beverages may be linked to breast cancer later in their lives.

USA Today quoted the most recent research results are published online in the journal Pediatrics last week.

The study surveyed 6899 women who had become participants when they were aged 9-15 years.

The study found that girls who drank the most alcohol during their teen faces a possible five times more likely to develop benign breast disease (BBD) as they enter young adulthood than those who never drank or drank at least once a week.

BBD mean breast disorders are not caused by cancer and are usually not life-threatening.

Meanwhile BBD known to encourage breast cancer risk. "Our study shows that teenagers who drink alcoholic beverages increases the risk of breast cancer, either in all women and in those who continue to develop the BBD, but the search for longer course is needed to confirm it," said Berkey.

Adolescence is a critical time for someone who potentially has cancer, Berkey said, because the breast glands experienced rapid growth during that period.


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