Saturday, July 16, 2011

9 Weird Fish Bull-faced, the Streams of Fresh Water

There are still many animals - unique and mysterious animals that have not been found, considering there are still many places - places untouched by humans. Some time ago, we have seen the creature - the sea creatures with various forms of strange and unique, well in this post, I will encourage the reader to know the creatures - a strange creature from the rivers. Could sightings - sightings of the river is actually a creature cryptid sightings of this creature?
Like the ocean, the river also is home to thousands of species of freshwater animals.Not only fish, the river was found to form different kinds of creatures with strange enough and we've never seen before.
1. Goliath Tigerfish

Hearing his name, we already know if the creature is not created haphazardly. With a length of up to 1.5 feet and sharp teeth, of course many people are afraid to look spooky fish. Goliath Tigerfish is the largest family variant Tigerfish, and is a great predator. This fish is famous for its strength and speed.
2. Vampire Piranha

Vampire Piranha is a close relative of the famous piranha fish of the Amazon river. This fish is called a piranha because vampire fangs that can reach 6 inches. Piranha fish which is rarely known to live in the river Orinoco, Venezuela.
3. African lungfish

Creatures of the river is quite strange in my opinion. For people who have never seen it, would have thought this creature as a monster because of its creepy. However, despite the terrible shape, these animals are completely harmless. These fish adapt to its environment is less oxygen, so that makes this fish rarely seen by humans.
4. Mekong Giant Catfish

Surely most readers already know this one fish. Fish are almost similar to the whale shark is the largest freshwater fish ever found, and originated from China. Its size alone is closer to whales than freshwater fish in general.
5. Bagarius Yarelli

Also known as the "Yeti of the river" or meat-eating catfish, these fish have teeth - sharp teeth with a long reach 1 inch. In fact, fish habitat is spread over several countries in Asia are said to like to eat human flesh, although still a rumor.
6. Alligator Gar

River creatures this one looks like a mix between alligators and fish. Animals that live in North America is rarely hunt prey, but wait for prey that passes in front of her mouth, then he pounced with remarkable speed.
7. Pirarucu

Pirarucu glance very similar to the famous Arowana fish in Indonesia, these fish also have similarities with arowana fish, which is the same - just like jumping into the air to hunt or take the air. This fish is true not dangerous, but if it feels threatened, he will use his head for self-defense weapon.
8. Chinese Paddle Fish

Fish originating from China is indeed unique. Many people say if the fish comes from China this is a fish with the face of the worst in the world. Although dubbed as the King of the Yangtze River, but fish is thought to be extinct.
9. Piraiba Catfish

Fish that can reach 3 meters in length with a weight of 272 kg was scared most of the anglers. This fish is famous for its strength, even fish is said to be able to make a man drowned because of his strength. Many of the rumors that circulated when the cause of anglers - the missing anglers when fishing in the river is being dragged by the fish into the river to drown.
Well, it turns out the river was not inferior to the ocean, many creatures - unique creatures living here. Although the forms - they are physically somewhat unique and strange, but it can not be denied if the earth still save a lot of potential for undiscovered human though.

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