Saturday, July 30, 2011

The inhabitants of the Arctic Human Brain Have Eyes Bigger & Ball

Recent research shows people living in polar regions have eyeballs and larger brains.
Increased brain size and eye allows a person to see better than those living in the equator.

"A person living in the polar region will have eyes 20 percent larger than those living in Equator," said Head of the Institute of Cognitive & evolutionary Anthropology University of Oxford, as reported by Robin Dunbar Discovery News website.
"People who live in higher latitudes have higher visual activity of the living around the Equator," added Dunbar.
"Basically, they have a better vision to overcome the ambient light level is less in high-latitude regions."
For this study, Dunbar and colleagues, Eiluned Pearce examined 55 individuals from 12 different populations.
Research is focused on volume and capacity of the skull. Individuals who studied the people living on 200 years ago and the skull into the Oxford University Museum collection.
Research found no significant relationship between the latitude of the brain volume. Lower brain of Micronesia owned by many living around the equator line with the brain weight of 40.6 ounces.
While larger brains owned a lot of Scandinavians living in the vicinity of the pole with a weight of 50.2 ounces.
Skull of residents at the North Pole not included, but the researchers made 20 percent larger estimates based on data they have.
However, researchers quickly say that the brain volume is not associated with higher levels of intelligence.
"Basically, we mean people have a larger brain in people who live in higher latitudes, does not mean they are smarter. It simply means they have increased the volume of the brain used for vision and this has increased overall brain size," said Pearce .
Larger eye allows images to fall into the photoreceptor area smaller so more clearly to distinguish.
Total illumination on the earth has dropped the increase in latitude. So, those who live in high-latitude regions to improve vision.
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