Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reasons Birds / Geese Form Letter "V" When Flying

If we lived in the 4 seasons, the autumn, will look entourage geese flying south for the winter. The geese are flying in formation form the letter "V". We'll look at some scientific facts why geese fly in formation group forms the letter "V"?
If we lived in the 4 seasons, the autumn, will look entourage geese flying south for the winter. The geese are flying in formation form the letter "V". We'll look at some scientific facts why geese fly in formation group forms the letter "V"?

Facts (1):Goose flapping wings in front, giving the "carrying capacity" for the goose behind.Geese in the rear do not have difficulty penetrating 'airwall' in front of him. Result, the entire flock of geese can travel 71% more Far jarakterbang than if each goose terbangsendiri must-own.

Lessons (1):When the same direction and our goals, and we want to share in the union, then the achievement of our goals will become faster and easier. Can we afford to push each other and mutually support each other in achieving common goals?. You should be!.Because geese can!

Facts (2):If a goose flies out of the formation of the group, he will feel heavy and difficult to fly alone. It quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the power of the goose in front of him.

Lessons (2):If we have enough common sense, we will remain in union with other partners and managers. We open ourselves to receive and give assistance to and from other partners. It's harder to do something alone than doing it together in a union that would be milikkita together.

Fact (3):When the geese are flying in front of the leader gets tired, he flew around to the back of the formation and another goose will fly in his place.

Lessons (3):It is sensible to perform tasks that are difficult and demanding turns and sharing leadership. We believe the potential of all partners. But, people are interdependent on one another in knowledge, skills, willingness, capacity, yangunik other gifts, and talents or other resources.

Fact (4):Geese flying in formation noisy sound from the rear to give encouragement to geese flying in front so that the flying speed can be maintained.

Lessons (4):We must ensure that our words will give the support strength, not weaken. All the partners in the union will be mutually reinforcing, so that the results achieved will be greater. Support in a union of hearts based on noble values ​​is the sound quality and speech that is expected to partner jointly by all partners in the union.

Facts (5):When a goose gets sick, wounded, or shot down, two other geese will drop out of formation with that goose and follow it down to help and protect. They stayed with swan who fell and tried to push it to fly again, not to death. After that they will fly with the power of their own or with another formation to catch their entourage.

Lesson (5):If we were feeling like a goose, we will live with partners who are in trouble, like when things were good, and tried to encourage him to bounce back.


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