Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wow! Apparently Finger Size Men Can Predict Long Penis!

Many of the rumors which say that men with long finger also has a long genital size.Apparently it was not a figment, since studies show that the size of a man's finger can predict the length of his penis.

A study has been published in Asian Journal of Andrology on July 4, yesterday, showed that the size of the finger could be an indication of the size of male genitals, as reported by LiveScience, Tuesday (05/07/2011).
For men, look at your right hand and note the size of the index finger and ring finger.When both fingers have the same size, then most likely the size of the penis will be longer.
Researchers say the smaller the ratio between the proportion of the index finger and ring finger is associated with a longer penis size. This is associated with exposure to male hormones while still in the womb, which also provide clues to the risk of diseases such as cancer and prostate.
The idea of ​​man's finger ratio and associated exposure to the hormone is actually not new. Previous studies have also found that the ratio between the second finger (index finger) and fourth (ring finger) is associated with low sperm counts, the possibility of heart attacks, facial masculinity, aggressiveness and ability to become rich, and much more.
One small study in 2002 which was published in the journal Urology also found a correlation between the length of the index finger and genital size in healthy men under 40 years, which suggests that exposure to testosterone in the womb both affects growth (fingers and penis size).
In the new study, researchers at Gachon University Gil Hospital, South Korea, recruited 144 volunteers aged 20 years and older who will undergo urologic surgery.
When the men were anesthetized (anesthesia), researchers measured the length of the finger and too flaccid penis length (no erection) them. The length of the penis is flaccid or erect was not statistically correlated with penis size when fully erect.
Researchers found that men flaccid penis length is measured ranged from 3.0 to 6.7 inches (7.5 to 17 cm), with an average of 4.6 inches (11.7 cm). And the ratio between the two fingers on average is 0.38 inches (0.97 cm), with a range from 0.35 to 0.44 inches (0.88 to 1.12 cm).
The result according to the researchers, the smaller the number the ratio of the size of two fingers is probably the size of the penis length.
Prenatal hormone exposure (in utero) and genetic processes that have a relation between the fingers and penis size is still unknown. But researchers believe that exposure to testosterone in utero appears to play a role.


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